Bat Rescue Inc. is based on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, however we do also have a number of members active in other regions.
Should you join Bat Rescue as a volunteer:

A mentor will be assigned to assist you, and you will be invited to accompany more experienced carers on rescues.

Rescues of adults can take place any time during the year, but bat carers are at their busiest between September and December. Babies are born during these months and orphans are raised for release in February/March. Creche begins around mid-January.

You will have access to equipment to borrow in your first year of caring if you need it.

A friendly network of people will be introduced to you. It is our aim to further the understanding and appreciation of bats within the community, and your assistance at our display and educational events will be welcome.

There will be opportunities for you to become involved in other bat-related activities such as participating in annual national bat counts and various conservation projects.

What does it cost?
Prior to handling bats, carers need to be vaccinated against Australian Bat Lyssavirus. This involves a course of three rabies vaccines at a total cost of around $330. This can be arranged through your GP and rebates for the cost can be claimed through certain Health Funds. Bat Rescue Inc. arranges for each member’s antibody levels to be tested regularly to ensure immunity is maintained above the minimum recommended level.
Active (carer) members
Must be 18 years of age or over.
Support Membership
Download our membership form below
For Mac users, click here
For Windows users, click here
Read our Bat Rescue By-Laws here
If you would like further information about membership, please contact us.
For information on how to become a bat carer outside of our area of operation, contact your local wildlife organisation. A comprehensive list of rescue organisations operating throughout Australia is available at Australian Fauna Care.